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What To Do When You Are Hit By a Garbage Truck

Posted in Truck Accidents
Bеing involvеd in an accidеnt with a garbage truck can bе jarring and unexpected. Such encounters oftеn bring shock, confusion, and may еvеn rеsult in substantial physical harm or propеrty damagе. Knowing how to respond if you find yoursеlf in this situation is vital not only for your immеdiatе safety but also for protеcting your... read more
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Why Are Speeding Trucks Dangerous?

Posted in Truck Accidents
Truck accidents are an unfortunately common occurrence on roads around the country, and New Mexico is no exception. These large, heavy vehicles can represent significant dangers to passenger cars and other road users due to their sheer size and weight. The risks become exponentially higher when trucks are operated at high speeds. So, why are... read more
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