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Filing an Amazon Delivery Accident Claim

Posted in New Mexico Truck Accidents
Filing an Amazon Delivery Accident Claim Amazon is responsible for delivering millions of packages to customers around the globe every day. It accomplishes this feat by employing more than 275,000 delivery drivers. With so many drivers on the road, the risk of accidents involving Amazon delivery vehicles is high. If you get injured in an... read more
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What Is a Runaway Delivery Truck? 

Posted in New Mexico Truck Accidents
A runaway delivery truck is an extremely dangerous situation in which a truck driver loses control of a truck entirely. Delivery drivers are unable to stop runaway trucks, often due to brake failure on a downhill slope. If not handled correctly, an emergency involving a runaway truck could result in a catastrophic delivery truck accident... read more
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Common Injuries in an Underride Truck Accident

Posted in New Mexico Truck Accidents
An underride truck accident occurs when a passenger car collides with a large truck and the car gets wedged beneath the truck due to the height of the trailer. The mechanics of these truck accidents often result in severe, catastrophic and fatal injuries to the occupants of the smaller vehicle. Injuries Frequently Suffered in Underride... read more
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